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Circle Theatre

A Conversation with Amanda Reyes | DESTROYING DAVID

Updated: Jan 3

Tickets available via

Introducing our cast for Destroying David - Amanda Nicole Reyes!

"Hello, I’m Amanda Reyes, actor and filmmaker currently residing in Fort Worth, Texas. I’m also co-founder of Sapphic Space FTW where I put my social activism and civic knowledge to work by providing safe spaces to marginalized communities here in DFW.

I have my MFA in Directing Narrative Cinema from Feirstein Graduate School of Cinema in Brooklyn, New York. During the six years in NY, I worked in film and television, however, my heart belongs to the stage. I’m honored to be cast in Destroying David and can’t wait to share this incredible work with audiences!"

Read below for the whole conversation with Amanda!


What drew you to auditioning for Destroying David?

Amanda: "I read the script. Haha! No, actually, I saw that Evan was directing it and I absolutely love him and I love working with him and I am a huge fan of his work. We had just closed The Amazing, Fabulous, and Spectacular Untruths of Juan Garcia at Amphibian Stage and I reached out to him for a copy of the Destroying David script. I immediately read it in one sitting and was completely emotionally shaken to my core."

What was your first reaction when you read the script [for Destroying David]?

Amanda: "It was truly one of the most powerful scripts I’ve read in quite a while. It was also the week after the election and Jason Odell Williams’ words about pain and anger and grief found me in a very vulnerable state and it felt like the perfect moment to explore and dive even deeper into these complex feelings that I felt like we were all collectively feeling. The character's description of grief also resonated with me immensely. Some parts were hard to get through and I found myself needing to take a moment to breathe and reground myself before continuing. When I finally finished, I scrolled all the way up to the beginning to read through it again."

Can you describe Destroying David in three words?

Amanda: Astounding. Heartbreaking. Human.

If you could have dinner with one historical figure or artist (like Michelangelo or David himself), who would it be and what would you ask them?

Amanda: I would ask Michelangelo; “In your own infinite experience, what carries the most symbolic power to move people towards revolution; the creation of art OR the destruction of it?”

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2 commentaires

da Lucin
da Lucin
02 janv.

I would want to present you to a somewhat fresh game genre I have come across. Retro bowl 2 are ones with classic gameplay that you could enjoy during your free time.


Всем привет! Хочу поделиться полезной находкой для тех, кто мечтает избавиться от лишнего веса. Совсем недавно наткнулся на отличную статью, где подробно описано, как похудеть на 10 кг всего за 3 месяца . Меня особенно впечатлило, что советы основаны не на жестких диетах, а на комплексном подходе: правильное питание, физическая активность и здоровые привычки. Уже начал применять рекомендации, и первые результаты не заставили себя ждать! Если хотите узнать больше, посетите сайт Биотус. Надеюсь, кому-то эта информация тоже поможет!

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